For the first time in forever, I am sharing an excerpt from my work in progress. That’s because my W is finally IP again. Here’s something I wrote recently. In this scene, we learn yet again how Harry’s love for coffee is exceeded only by his love for Dee. Well, and some other, more case-related, […]

How can school be ready to start already? Oh, well, routine is a good thing, though this year may be anything but routine if we don’t get the COVID numbers back down. I’m not a publically political person, but GET YOUR STUPID VACCINE! Notice, I could have rearranged those words and been a bit more […]

Hey gang–it’s Work-in-Progress Wednesday! And as will be traditional soon, I am sharing an excerpt from my work-in-progress. This is a scene in which Harry, our narrator, is beginning a case in which he’s searching for a missing man named Bert Clingerton. Not a lot of action in this scene, but I like the characters […]