As you know if you’ve been following my blog for a bit that I’m doing major renovations on my previously written books in preparation for re-launching the whole series. If these books were houses, I would be doing a complete gut job, taking them clear down to the studs and, other than leaving the basic […]

It wouldn’t seem so, but even something as ostensibly simple as an omelet can cause controversy. How long do you whisk the eggs? Speaking of whisking, do you whisk in water? Milk? Cream? Do you add cheese? Most say yes, but some, like my culinary hero, Alton Brown, say the perfect omelet is eggs only. […]

There are many ways Harry, my main character, is an idealized version of me. I often joke he’s me if I were younger, thinner, smarter, stronger, a better shot, and had hair. Other than that, we’re identical. We have the exact same sense of humor and smart mouth that is not well filtered. We both […]

Note: this is in place of my WIP Wednesday post, which will reappear next week. One of the questions that readers ask, whether consciously or not, is, “Why should I buy your book?” Most people have a finite amount of money to spend on books, so they want to know what makes an author’s works […]

How is it Wednesday again already? I will try my hardest to remember to put up an excerpt each week from now on. In keeping with that, here’s a scene that follows hard on the scene from last week. In it, Harry meets a stranger who seems kind of familiar and who gives him some […]

I have to be the worst blogger in the history of blogdom. Not sure that’s a word, it probably will be eventually. I know it’s weeks and weeks in between posts. I also know that’s no way to get a following. I promise to try my darndest to do better now that the school year […]

Have you ever looked at one of those optical illusion puzzles where you have to kind of let your eyes quit focusing and look past the surface of the paper until suddenly an entire complex image takes shape? I remember the first one I ever saw. It was poster-sized and depicted the major events of […]

In case you are new here, I have written and self-published books in a series (I’ve since unpublished them–I deal with that in a subsequent post). The narrator is a guy named Harry Shalan, pronounced shay-lun. That’s a bit of a running joke. No one seems to be able to pronounce it. Harry came to […]