I talked a couple weeks back about my best day professionally, so it makes sense that I talk about my best day personally. Folks who know me well could probably guess this, having heard this story about eleventy billion times, but I love thinking about it, so I’m going to tell the story again anyway. […]

As you may know, I recently performed the wedding of my daughter and newly minted son-in-law. It was an honor and a privilege and a blessing not just to be a part of the wedding, but to be allowed to speak from the heart as they started their voyage through life together. I was told […]

If you are one of the handful of folks who read my blog, you know I’ve been sharing short stories for the last several weeks. I’ve shared all I have for the moment. I’m working on one, but it’s still quite early in the pen-and-paper stage. The story is complex enough in my mind that […]

STOP! Before you read this, you should go back and read my previous post, which is the first half of this story. Otherwise, you’ll have questions. He again surprised himself by being excited to find the treadmill beside hers vacant. Doing his best to neither stare nor walk too fast in an effort to impress […]

It’s week 4 of my series of short stories. This week is a little different in that it’s part one of a longer story, which I’ll complete for you next week. It does come to somewhat of a conclusion on its own, but stay tuned for, in the words of the late great Paul Harvey, […]

“So, when the journey gets long,Just know that you are loved,There is light up above, And the joy is always enough.Bubbles up.” “Bubbles Up”, by Jimmy Buffett The deaths of celebrities don’t usually have a deep effect on me. I’ll usually say, “Aww…”, discuss some memory I have of their career, and go on about […]

As promised, here’s part two of my second story about Evan, the awkward middle schooler who, against all odds, got the prettiest girl in school to be his girlfriend. In part one of this story, which you really should read before you continue with this, Evan has invited his new belle to go on a […]

I recently posted, “Gifts Ungiven”, a story about a boy named Evan who can’t seem to work up the courage to give a gift to his crush. If you haven’t read that yet, you might want to stop right here and read that. You don’t need to have read it for this story to make […]

I don’t know that I could pinpoint the first thing I remember. Truth be told, I have a terrible memory. When someone brings up an event from my childhood, I often remember it with some prodding, but sometimes not. And my memories tend to be all jumbled together. For the most part, things are either […]

There are many ways Harry, my main character, is an idealized version of me. I often joke he’s me if I were younger, thinner, smarter, stronger, a better shot, and had hair. Other than that, we’re identical. We have the exact same sense of humor and smart mouth that is not well filtered. We both […]