It was fewer than 400 words. Barely a page. But I’ve begun my first cozy mystery. I honestly have no idea where it’s going yet. At this point, I’m just introducing characters, getting to know the setting. Regardless, it’s a start and I’m excited to see where the story takes me. I’m also excited to […]

I’m going to be frank. I’ve been struggling to write lately. Specifically, I’ve been struggling to get myself to work on a new draft of my first Jamie and Pip Halloran Mystery, which I wanted to think of as a complete re-imagining of my old first book, Harsh Prey. It felt a little too much […]

How is it Wednesday already? I don’t know, but I double checked my calendar, and it definitely is, so here is another excerpt from my new book, Home To My Arms: A Halloran Mystery. In it, there’s a slight misunderstanding between Jamie and Pip. Fortunately, the door was locked, as it should have been. Unfortunately, […]

I’ve read detective fiction for as long as I’ve been able to read, practically. I started with the classics: Holmes, Queen, Marple, Poirot. But then I picked up a new classic: Spenser. I’ve read others in the genre, including other characters created by Robert B. Parker. Jesse Stone, Sunny Randall, and Parker’s Western heroes, Virgil […]

Here’s a new excerpt from the book I’m doing heavy revisions on. And I mean heavy. Even the location is new. And so are the characters. Don’t be confused when you read, because names have been changed. But the characters are different in ways that go beyond their names. At any rate, here is a […]