How is it Wednesday already? I don’t know, but I double checked my calendar, and it definitely is, so here is another excerpt from my new book, Home To My Arms: A Halloran Mystery. In it, there’s a slight misunderstanding between Jamie and Pip. Fortunately, the door was locked, as it should have been. Unfortunately, […]

It seemed like it would never get here, but I am finally finished with rewrites on my new book, Home to My Arms! It’s one last pass for proofreading and then I start the query process. As promised, only two days late, I want to share an exerpt. The situation is that the main characters, […]

If you started your visit to my site on my homepage, you’ll see I am author JD Stephens. I used to be author Joe Stephens, but I took a long break from writing for some pretty life-altering things, such as meeting and marrying the love of my life and adopting her beloved daughter, making her […]

Here’s a new excerpt from the book I’m doing heavy revisions on. And I mean heavy. Even the location is new. And so are the characters. Don’t be confused when you read, because names have been changed. But the characters are different in ways that go beyond their names. At any rate, here is a […]