As promised, here is a new excerpt from my work-in-progress. I hope you enjoy it. It’s an unusual scene. The style is different than usual and that’s on purpose. See what you think of it and also tell me what you think the intended purpose is and whether I achieved it. I’d love it if […]

How is it Wednesday again already? I will try my hardest to remember to put up an excerpt each week from now on. In keeping with that, here’s a scene that follows hard on the scene from last week. In it, Harry meets a stranger who seems kind of familiar and who gives him some […]

I have to be the worst blogger in the history of blogdom. Not sure that’s a word, it probably will be eventually. I know it’s weeks and weeks in between posts. I also know that’s no way to get a following. I promise to try my darndest to do better now that the school year […]

Greetings on this cold, snowy winter day. I hope you’re staying warm. It’s Wednesday, which means time to share an excerpt from my work-in-progress. I’m excited about how the story is coming together. Hope you’ll agree. In this scene, Harry is riding with his best friend Otis and praying he survives intact. Here you go: […]

For the first time in forever, I am sharing an excerpt from my work in progress. That’s because my W is finally IP again. Here’s something I wrote recently. In this scene, we learn yet again how Harry’s love for coffee is exceeded only by his love for Dee. Well, and some other, more case-related, […]

How can school be ready to start already? Oh, well, routine is a good thing, though this year may be anything but routine if we don’t get the COVID numbers back down. I’m not a publically political person, but GET YOUR STUPID VACCINE! Notice, I could have rearranged those words and been a bit more […]

Due to technical issues (as in it wouldn’t let me post it) yesterday, here is my WIP Wednesday post on Thursday. This is a passage in which our hero, Harry, meets his new client. Hope you enjoy it: Before I could say anything else, there was a knock on the frame of my office door, […]

Hey gang–it’s Work-in-Progress Wednesday! And as will be traditional soon, I am sharing an excerpt from my work-in-progress. This is a scene in which Harry, our narrator, is beginning a case in which he’s searching for a missing man named Bert Clingerton. Not a lot of action in this scene, but I like the characters […]

As I’ve said about eleventy billion times, I’m working on the newest Shalan Adventure. Technically, in the series’ original format, this would have been Shalan Origins #2, but as I’m working on getting the whole series published, hopefully in chronological order, this would be Shalan Adventure #2 instead. Sorry. That was a bit of a […]