It’s traditional to share an excerpt from your work-in-progress on Wednesdays. Unfortunately, I’ve not made any progress this week on Shalan #6 (or Shalan #2, depending on how you decide to number them). It’s been a busy, productive week, just not in the realm of writing. I’d love to be one of those writers who […]
WIP Wednesday
For the first time in forever, I am sharing an excerpt from my work in progress. That’s because my W is finally IP again. Here’s something I wrote recently. In this scene, we learn yet again how Harry’s love for coffee is exceeded only by his love for Dee. Well, and some other, more case-related, […]
Finally Coming Into Focus
Have you ever looked at one of those optical illusion puzzles where you have to kind of let your eyes quit focusing and look past the surface of the paper until suddenly an entire complex image takes shape? I remember the first one I ever saw. It was poster-sized and depicted the major events of […]
This truly is the most wonderful time of the year. I’ve felt that way since my childhood. I often joke I grew up in a Norman Rockwell painting, but I’m only half kidding. Did our family have it’s quirks? Sure. But did I ever, even for a second, question whether I was loved and safe? […]
Ephraim Cutler sure doesn’t seem like the type of person to commit a cold-blooded murder. He’s a soft-spoken young man with an eye for Isabel, the local mercantile owner’s daughter, and a soft spot for folks in need. But all that doesn’t change the fact that he shot a man, an old friend in fact, […]
WIP Wednesday Excerpt
How can school be ready to start already? Oh, well, routine is a good thing, though this year may be anything but routine if we don’t get the COVID numbers back down. I’m not a publically political person, but GET YOUR STUPID VACCINE! Notice, I could have rearranged those words and been a bit more […]
It WILL BE Worth It
NOTE: This is part 2 of 2 of an update on where I am in my efforts to move my books from independently published to traditionally published. If you are new to my blog, you may want to go back and read the previous post. I have tried three different times to publish this post, […]
It Will Be Worth It, Right?
If you had been looking over my shoulder in the couple minutes before I finally chose that title, you would have seen me type, delete, and re-type about a half dozen titles. I didn’t want to be negative, but I feel like it’s kind of my nature. I’m trying to go against my nature, though, […]
WIP Thursday?
Due to technical issues (as in it wouldn’t let me post it) yesterday, here is my WIP Wednesday post on Thursday. This is a passage in which our hero, Harry, meets his new client. Hope you enjoy it: Before I could say anything else, there was a knock on the frame of my office door, […]
Review of Perry Mason
I started writing detective fiction a long time ago. A long time. My original inspirations were the classics, like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Ellery Queen, in which all the information needed to solve the crime was provided to the reader. Eventually, though, I discovered more modern forms of detective fiction, in which it was […]