Due to technical issues (as in it wouldn’t let me post it) yesterday, here is my WIP Wednesday post on Thursday. This is a passage in which our hero, Harry, meets his new client. Hope you enjoy it: Before I could say anything else, there was a knock on the frame of my office door, […]

I started writing detective fiction a long time ago. A long time. My original inspirations were the classics, like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Ellery Queen, in which all the information needed to solve the crime was provided to the reader. Eventually, though, I discovered more modern forms of detective fiction, in which it was […]

Hey gang–it’s Work-in-Progress Wednesday! And as will be traditional soon, I am sharing an excerpt from my work-in-progress. This is a scene in which Harry, our narrator, is beginning a case in which he’s searching for a missing man named Bert Clingerton. Not a lot of action in this scene, but I like the characters […]

In the, “Peak Performance” episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is talking to his android officer, Commander Data. Data is puzzled because he lost a battle despite making no errors as a leader. Picard, played perfectly by Patrick Stewart, tells Data, “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. […]

As I’ve said about eleventy billion times, I’m working on the newest Shalan Adventure. Technically, in the series’ original format, this would have been Shalan Origins #2, but as I’m working on getting the whole series published, hopefully in chronological order, this would be Shalan Adventure #2 instead. Sorry. That was a bit of a […]

In case you are new here, I have written and self-published books in a series (I’ve since unpublished them–I deal with that in a subsequent post). The narrator is a guy named Harry Shalan, pronounced shay-lun. That’s a bit of a running joke. No one seems to be able to pronounce it. Harry came to […]