This page is where you’ll find pics and videos from my life. It’s also where you’ll eventually find links to podcasts once I start those. Hope you enjoy them! And check back from time to time as I add more. There is no order to these, other than trying to fit portrait and landscape pics together so they all show up correctly, though I do try to group them as best I can, either thematically or chronologically. Sorry if it’s confusing.

The view from in front of our apartment at Lake Erie. The best word to describe our weekend was idyllic.

These pictures are from our trip to Lake Erie for our anniversary and Father’s Day. It was a beautiful place and the trip was amazingly relaxing and restful.

All these pictures came from our dine out night in Salt Lake City. A few of us took an Uber to the Utah Museum of Fine Art, which is on the campus of the University of Utah, for their free night and then trekked across campus for an amazing pizza in this little hole-in-the-wall place called The Pie. Notice the view from campus in a few of the pictures. And the campus itself was simply gorgeous.

My room was nice, but the view was better. This was one of the many stormy evenings we had that week.
This was on my last day as a full-time teacher