STOP! Before you read this, you should go back and read my previous post, which is the first half of this story. Otherwise, you’ll have questions. He again surprised himself by being excited to find the treadmill beside hers vacant. Doing his best to neither stare nor walk too fast in an effort to impress […]

It’s week 4 of my series of short stories. This week is a little different in that it’s part one of a longer story, which I’ll complete for you next week. It does come to somewhat of a conclusion on its own, but stay tuned for, in the words of the late great Paul Harvey, […]

In week three of, I think, four weeks of sharing short stories, I am sharing something a little different. This is really brief and it’s an entire story made up of a series of questions and answers, one leading to the next. It’s a response to a writing prompt I found online. I really enjoyed […]

As promised last week, here’s another short story. This one is about a guy whose birthday gets ruined–or does it? I’d love to hear your input. And if you think of anyone who may enjoy this story, please consider sharing. “Will you just move, already?” I tooted my horn. “It’s not gonna get any greener.” […]

I’m at the end of the road with my new book and am in the process of working up my query letter, so there’s not much news to share on that front. So I thought I might share a couple of stories I’ve written in the last year and haven’t shared anywhere. This story is […]

As promised, here’s part two of my second story about Evan, the awkward middle schooler who, against all odds, got the prettiest girl in school to be his girlfriend. In part one of this story, which you really should read before you continue with this, Evan has invited his new belle to go on a […]

I recently posted, “Gifts Ungiven”, a story about a boy named Evan who can’t seem to work up the courage to give a gift to his crush. If you haven’t read that yet, you might want to stop right here and read that. You don’t need to have read it for this story to make […]

Last week, I posted the first half of a story I wrote a while back entitled, “Gifts Ungiven.” If you haven’t read part one, this won’t make sense, so go back to my previous post and read that before you start this one. Here’s the ending I promised. Hope you like it! Let me know […]

Several years back, I wrote a story about a kid who, much like myself, was really shy around girls, especially ones on whom he had a crush. It was actually published in the now defunct ClutchMOV. I read back through it and don’t hate it as much as I used to, so I thought it […]