I discovered Harlan Coben by watching a couple series based on his books on Netflix. I liked them. They were fun and twisty, with good characters. So, I decided I wanted to read some of his books. I did some research and found that, while many of his books are stand-alones, he has a series […]

When the troublemaking brother of the man in prison for a drunken crash that killed their parents is found stabbed to death in their restaurant, everyone in the small Irish village of Kilbane assumes it was one of the O’Sullivan clan who did him in. The blame falls squarely on oldest brother James, a hot-tempered […]

I recently went with Sarah to see the latest Tom Hanks movie, A Man Called Otto. All I knew was the little I could glean from the trailer and that people were upset because they had changed the titular character’s name from Ove to Otto. Well, and that it stars Tom Hanks, which is good enough […]

I assume everyone–or at least everyone who listens to music at all–can name at least one favorite piece of music. For me it would be hard to narrow it down to one single song. I can say my favorite genre is definitely the great American Songbook. I love Sinatra and Bennett, Ella and Satchmo, Harry […]

Ephraim Cutler sure doesn’t seem like the type of person to commit a cold-blooded murder. He’s a soft-spoken young man with an eye for Isabel, the local mercantile owner’s daughter, and a soft spot for folks in need. But all that doesn’t change the fact that he shot a man, an old friend in fact, […]

I started writing detective fiction a long time ago. A long time. My original inspirations were the classics, like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Ellery Queen, in which all the information needed to solve the crime was provided to the reader. Eventually, though, I discovered more modern forms of detective fiction, in which it was […]