It’s a surprisingly cool morning here at my house for this time of year. I’m just praying the temperate conditions hold out until Saturday for my daughter’s wedding. As life is about to get pretty crazy for about 48 hours, I thought I’d take a few minutes and talk about the West Virginia Writers Spring […]

The final draft is written. It’s been edited and proofread and rewritten and edited and proofread again. I’m ready to make a decision. Do I want to send this book off to agents and publishers, or do I want to bite the bullet and self-publish? I’ve tried the self-publishing route and it didn’t go well, […]

NOTE: This is part 2 of 2 of an update on where I am in my efforts to move my books from independently published to traditionally published. If you are new to my blog, you may want to go back and read the previous post. I have tried three different times to publish this post, […]

If you had been looking over my shoulder in the couple minutes before I finally chose that title, you would have seen me type, delete, and re-type about a half dozen titles. I didn’t want to be negative, but I feel like it’s kind of my nature. I’m trying to go against my nature, though, […]