When my good friends the Delgados moved to Georgia, it was definitely a sad time. I worked with Jonathan as one of his volunteers for our church’s youth group and Maria, known only to me as Pepper Potts, was, for all intents and purposes, my writing muse. She almost knows the characters in my books […]

Last week, I posted the first half of a story I wrote a while back entitled, “Gifts Ungiven.” If you haven’t read part one, this won’t make sense, so go back to my previous post and read that before you start this one. Here’s the ending I promised. Hope you like it! Let me know […]

I grew up with a secret ambition to become Santa Claus. I think it all started with a shockingly realistic dream in which I discovered a secret portal to the North Pole in the back of my brother’s closet. As an adult, I’ve enjoyed the times I’ve had a chance to play the jolly old […]

I don’t know that I could pinpoint the first thing I remember. Truth be told, I have a terrible memory. When someone brings up an event from my childhood, I often remember it with some prodding, but sometimes not. And my memories tend to be all jumbled together. For the most part, things are either […]

I promised a tribute to my dad, and I still have every intent of writing that. Between my two jobs and trying to work with my brother to deal with Mom and Dad’s estate, it’s been grueling trying to find time to write. Being honest, though, that’s not the only thing slowing me down. Mom […]

I know it’s the day after 9/11, but we did our observation at school today, so the memories became fresh again today rather than yesterday. I always associate the memories of that event with school. This is partly because I was at school when it happened. Like everyone else, I remember where I was and […]

Proverbs 1:8-9 says, “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.” Well, in my parents, I feel like I received some pretty spectacular garlands and pendants. I am so blessed to, at age 58 (staring down 59) […]

For those of you who don’t already know this, I’m a Christian. I’m really open about that. I also work part-time at my church as a youth director. Part of my job is to fill in for our pastor occasionally with preaching duties. Recently I preached a sermon on what God does for us when […]

This truly is the most wonderful time of the year. I’ve felt that way since my childhood. I often joke I grew up in a Norman Rockwell painting, but I’m only half kidding. Did our family have it’s quirks? Sure. But did I ever, even for a second, question whether I was loved and safe? […]

Ephraim Cutler sure doesn’t seem like the type of person to commit a cold-blooded murder. He’s a soft-spoken young man with an eye for Isabel, the local mercantile owner’s daughter, and a soft spot for folks in need. But all that doesn’t change the fact that he shot a man, an old friend in fact, […]