I don’t know about you, but growing older has not been one of my favorite things. My knees are creaky and crunchy and cranky a lot of the time. If I need to get on the floor, I have to have a plan for getting up, like a nearby couch or bed to use as […]

Last week, I talked about two fantastic restaurants my friends the Delgados took me to while I visited them in Georgia. Today, I complete the journey. The places I’m going to tell you about are definitely all on my list of places I must return to the next time I’m there. I’m going out of […]

When my good friends the Delgados moved to Georgia, it was definitely a sad time. I worked with Jonathan as one of his volunteers for our church’s youth group and Maria, known only to me as Pepper Potts, was, for all intents and purposes, my writing muse. She almost knows the characters in my books […]

They come in many shapes and sizes, from silver dollars to the Uncle Buck (For you youngsters, that’s a reference to a movie starring the late great John Candy. I’ve included a video for your viewing pleasure.) They’re known by many names, from flapjacks to hotcakes to hoecakes to jonnycakes. Let’s face it–they’re dessert for […]

There are many ways Harry, my main character, is an idealized version of me. I often joke he’s me if I were younger, thinner, smarter, stronger, a better shot, and had hair. Other than that, we’re identical. We have the exact same sense of humor and smart mouth that is not well filtered. We both […]