Life got crazy and then I got sick, so my challenge to finish my rough draft in ten days died on the vine. But my plan is to finish it by end of business tomorrow, Friday, February 21. I’ll do a longer post tomorrow, assuming I do what I say I’m going to do. […]

Just a quick check-in to update everyone on my progress in my challenge to write 20,000 words or finish my rough draft, whichever comes first, by Monday, February 10. I’m happy to say that since I gave myself the challenge on Friday, I’ve written 3048 words. That may not seem like the progress I need, […]

I just posted on Threads about how I’m struggling to get myself to write. Not write in general, but work on my book. I don’t think I have writer’s block, because I know where the story is going and have even been working out scenarios in my mind to carry the plot forward from where […]

I’ve been struggling to come up with something to write a blog post about, so I thought maybe one of my old posts from years gone by might spark something. I came across this one that seemed quite appropriate to my predicament. So I thought I’d share it. This is a real blast from the […]

I don’t imagine this comes as news to anyone, but today marks the beginning of a new year. We’ve put away 2024 and are moving into 2025. And I don’t remember anyone checking with me to see if I was ready. Being ready for the new year, or for any event on the calendar for […]

If you know my family history, you’re aware I’ve only been a parent since 2018. Well, I was a stepdad until 2023, when I adopted my wife’s daughter Lauren, making it legally, in the words of the judge who signed the paperwork and presided over the lovely ceremony that took place in the courtroom, as […]

I’m substituting today in a sophomore English classs. In preparation for reading John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, we’re watching a video on the history of pearls. While the students watch and fill out a study guide, I have some time to myself. Happily, these kids are terrific, so I can do some writing. And so here we […]

I’m so excited! The Last Train To Glen Alum debuts tonight! What is Glen Alum? I’m glad you asked! It’s a small town in Mingo County, West Virginia. It’s also the location of an infamous train robbery that took place in 1914. A group of masked desperados robbed the local train as it was transporting […]

It was fewer than 400 words. Barely a page. But I’ve begun my first cozy mystery. I honestly have no idea where it’s going yet. At this point, I’m just introducing characters, getting to know the setting. Regardless, it’s a start and I’m excited to see where the story takes me. I’m also excited to […]