My name is Joe Stephens–I’m only JD on book covers. I’m a recently-retired high school English teacher. I guess you could say I’m semi-retired, as I substitute teach quite regularly. I’m also a part-time church youth director in Parkersburg, WV. The reason for this website, though, is I’m an author, working on a series of books about a tough-as-nails private eye named Jamie Halloran and his partner in crime, his wife Philippa, aka Pip. I’m in the midst of deep revisions of the first book in the series and will be shopping it to agents and publishing houses soon–and I’m using soon the way a parent does with a child who is impatient to go to the park and asks when they’re leaving. I really have no idea how long it’s going to take.

On a personal note, I’m married to my real-life Pip, only her name is Sarah. I recently adopted my stepdaughter Lauren, so I’m ecstatic to be able to remove the step from her title. She is my beloved daughter, and a student at Ohio University, studying to be a music teacher, a job for which she was born. These two women are the loves of my life. MAJOR UPDATE: My daughter is now a bride! Lauren and Brodie Battin were married recently, and I had the huge honor and blessing of officiating their wedding. It was one of the most meaningful moments of my life. You can read more about that day in my blog by clicking on My Train of Thought.

Our amazing daughter
Benedict, aka Bubby, Bubba, Bubbo, Benedictus, and What Do You Have In Your Mouth?!
Applesauce, aka Kitty and Would You Stop Clawing The Furniture?!
Lauren with the first fire she ever made on her own
Our festive house last Christmas
Sarah with the Dark Knight, who has clearly seen better days
The two of us at the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit in Pittsburgh, PA–highly recommend!