I just posted on Threads about how I’m struggling to get myself to write. Not write in general, but work on my book. I don’t think I have writer’s block, because I know where the story is going and have even been working out scenarios in my mind to carry the plot forward from where […]

I’ve been struggling to come up with something to write a blog post about, so I thought maybe one of my old posts from years gone by might spark something. I came across this one that seemed quite appropriate to my predicament. So I thought I’d share it. This is a real blast from the […]

I don’t imagine this comes as news to anyone, but today marks the beginning of a new year. We’ve put away 2024 and are moving into 2025. And I don’t remember anyone checking with me to see if I was ready. Being ready for the new year, or for any event on the calendar for […]