I talked a couple weeks back about my best day professionally, so it makes sense that I talk about my best day personally. Folks who know me well could probably guess this, having heard this story about eleventy billion times, but I love thinking about it, so I’m going to tell the story again anyway. […]

As you may know, I recently performed the wedding of my daughter and newly minted son-in-law. It was an honor and a privilege and a blessing not just to be a part of the wedding, but to be allowed to speak from the heart as they started their voyage through life together. I was told […]

It’s a surprisingly cool morning here at my house for this time of year. I’m just praying the temperate conditions hold out until Saturday for my daughter’s wedding. As life is about to get pretty crazy for about 48 hours, I thought I’d take a few minutes and talk about the West Virginia Writers Spring […]

I retired from full-time teaching the minute I could. In fact, I kind of retired a couple months before I technically could by burning sick and personal days. But that had nothing to do with a lack of love for the job. Getting to know and love my students was a joy that never faded […]