They come in many shapes and sizes, from silver dollars to the Uncle Buck (For you youngsters, that’s a reference to a movie starring the late great John Candy. I’ve included a video for your viewing pleasure.) They’re known by many names, from flapjacks to hotcakes to hoecakes to jonnycakes. Let’s face it–they’re dessert for […]

There are many ways Harry, my main character, is an idealized version of me. I often joke he’s me if I were younger, thinner, smarter, stronger, a better shot, and had hair. Other than that, we’re identical. We have the exact same sense of humor and smart mouth that is not well filtered. We both […]

I know it’s the day after 9/11, but we did our observation at school today, so the memories became fresh again today rather than yesterday. I always associate the memories of that event with school. This is partly because I was at school when it happened. Like everyone else, I remember where I was and […]

I assume everyone–or at least everyone who listens to music at all–can name at least one favorite piece of music. For me it would be hard to narrow it down to one single song. I can say my favorite genre is definitely the great American Songbook. I love Sinatra and Bennett, Ella and Satchmo, Harry […]